It's come to my attention that I need to assert some facts in my position as far as this blog is concerned.
I would like everyone to know that I claim no credit for any of the photographs, basic artistic design, recordings, or anything else that anyone would like to bitch about. I collect recordings and arrange them in an order that I find pleasing. Then I find various graphics of photographs, album covers, design, or anything else that I think might work well in arranging my "Custom CD Covers". That's it. I didn't think that anyone out there would think that I was assuming artistic credit for any material that can be found FREELY on the internet. Additionally, I have never asked for any financial compensation for anything.
To anyone who is offended by my "work" (it's not that much work), I have a little advice. If you don't like my using material that I can find on the internet with a simple Google search...
1 - If it is your artwork, and it offends you if someone finds it good enough to use for their own personal collection, remove it from the internet. Period. Once it's out there, its out there.
2 - If you insist on having it on the internet, at least place a watermark on the art so people won't use it. I don't use anything that has a watermark. Or, place personal credit on the bottom right hand corner like other artists do.
3 - DON'T VISIT THIS BLOG IF IT OFFENDS YOU SO. No one is forcing you to look at it.
4 - Get over yourself. It takes a really egotistical jerk to demand personal credit whenever someone reposts work that may include your designs. If you were that good, Madonna would be knocking on your door begging you to design her next cover.
5 - Instead of looking at it from a negative, egotistical & selfish viewpoint, Maybe you should be proud of the fact that someone actually used your design because they thought it was so good that they found it comparative to the original artist's design.
Finally, I'm not making any money off of this. I get roughly 1200 page views a day. It's not like I get millions, it's a simple select few that I feel almost found my blog by luck, if anything. This is simply for fun, for those of us who like music and want to share something different. It's all harmless.
I hope that clears things up. I don't LIKE to be a prick, but I'm also not going to be pushed around by any fuckface who wants to control what I do. If you don't like what I do, tough shit.
For those who are enjoying these little excursions, I love you lots! I'll see you tonight with some fantastic posts that aren't really legal to begin with!
Au revoir!